How to fill out an application form.
What is the point of the application form?
The obvious answer is that my intake form is used to vet you for my safety and to understand your kinks so that I can provide you with a satisfactory experience that fulfills your fantasy. While this is (somewhat) true, my intake form tells me A LOT more than just that.
It may come as a surprise to you that I am not a femdom bot. You cannot insert a quarter into my cleavage at any given time so that I will spring to life, doing acrobatics to perform whatever fantasy you request of me.
I am a woman with a very full personal life and a Rolodex of clients. I am overwhelmed with people vying for my attention. I have the privilege of being picky about who I choose to spend my time with.
Time is finite. My attention is also finite because it is restricted by time. Therefore my time and attention, alongside my expertise and experience, are my most valuable assets. In my world, the biggest mistake a sub can make is wasting my time.
When I scan over these applications, I am reading between the lines to deduce whether you respect my time and expertise and whether you understand your role within the dynamic that I offer.
What do I look for when I am scanning, analyzing, and categorizing applications? I look:
for a comprehensive explanation of your kink interests.
for your hard limits, injuries, and any allergies you might have.
at grammar and spelling.
at whether you follow explicit directions.
whether you did your research, or read through my website carefully.
At the level of effort put into the application
Whether you are only focused on your own pleasure, or if my enjoyment is paramount to you.
If you are eager to get to the front of the line to kneel at my feet, here are some ways you can stand out from the crowd.
Hit all of the pointers above. Be as descriptive, clear, and communicative about your interests, limits, and injuries as possible. Fill out every section with care by reading the directions first. Check spelling and grammar.
Be extremely polite and gracious. Say “please” and “thank you” and always address me as Mistress or Domeena.
If you are not very experienced and are not sure what you like, say that! Try to do some research about BDSM activities and terms though, and do your best to create a loose limits and interests list.
If you have had past experiences with BDSM, share a bit about your history and the experiences that have stuck with you.
Write about what you are hoping to feel in this space and list archetype examples of which duos you hope our dynamic might emulate.
Tell me why you were drawn to me specifically. What makes you think that we’ll have good chemistry?
Tell me where you fall - Do you consider yourself more of a submissive, a bottom, or a fetishist?
Send a gift or tribute to grab my attention, and to show your gratitude for my consideration.
Try to send as few emails back and forth as possible. Feel free to ask questions and request any information you need, but try to consolidate your thoughts so there is less back and forth.
What are some BIG RED FLAGS that will likely lead to your emails and/or applications getting banished to the trash folder?
Refusing to fill out an initial application. No application, no session. It’s that simple.
Last-minute session requests (Less than 24 hours) and/or messages sent at ungodly hours.
The occasional last-minute request is understandable if accompanied by a reasonable excuse and a sincere apology.
It shows me that you're horny and impulsive. Impulsive subs are the least likely to follow through with bookings, follow protocols, and be thoughtful. They are the most likely to be time wasters,
Lack of effort or thought.
You cannot possibly communicate your entire list of interests, limits, and injuries within the character count of a tweet. Not to mention the other points that make up a stellar application. Yet some of you think that writing one sentence, full of abbreviations and spelling mistakes, is satisfactory. It is not. By not taking the time to carefully, and thoughtfully communicate your request to meet, it shows me that you don’t think that trying to impress me is worth your time. So why would you be worth mine?
Not including the names, emails, AND websites of your references.
This shows me that you didn’t read the directions clearly laid out on the intake form. Having to repeat protocols is a waste of my time. If you can’t follow written directions, it makes me think you won't be very good at following my protocols in person.
Do not write a script for me to follow
Whilst I want you to give me a clear understanding of your interests and limits, I do not appreciate being sent an extremely long application that has a bunch of very specific requests. I enjoy role play and the creative play that comes along with improving. I am not an actress playing a role in your script. A big part of seeing a domme is to lose control and enjoy the element of the unknown. I am uninterested in scripted scenes.
What should you do once your application has been accepted?
Once we are shooting messages back and forth, DO NOT royally fuck up by doing these things.
Try to negotiate my rate, boundaries, or protocols. If I say NO, do not try to change my answer.
Ignore explicit instructions, and make me repeat myself.
I shouldn't have to send/ respond to more than 7 emails to schedule a typical session. By the 4th or 5th email, I should already have a deposit.
Agree to send a deposit, and then take longer than 24 hours to send it.
If you have the privilege of being trusted with my phone number do not text me unnecessarily, and do not EVER call me. All calls must be scheduled. Texting is strictly for scheduling purposes.
Good luck crawling your way to the front of the line.
Neena De Ville